Modular Access Systems, LLC services your unloading and loading rack needs, 
                                supplying the most cost effective fall protection for your loading racks. Experience has proven the 
                                best loading and unloading access equipment must provide fall protection. 
                                Fall protection means security for your personnel and a productive loading and 
                                unloading operation. Engineered and manufactured for fall protection, designed 
                                for standard loading and unloading requirements, our platforms, loading racks, 
                                and gangways are manufactured with safety in mind. Modular Access Systems 
                                delivers your project on time and under budget!

Modular Pipe Racks, Bridges and Trusses

Taking a modular approach to process pipe systems has proven very popular. In the last two years, we have logged over 100,000 labor hours welding and assembling packaged or modular pipe systems.

Our capability to develop these solutions is built upon:

  1. Our expertise that goes with being professional engineers licensed in several states,
  2. Our ability to understand all challenges of a project, and
  3. Our experience designing, building and installing systems for 28 years across many industries.

Our experience enables us to see the entire project before it is built. This vision reduces risk, eliminates mistakes and maximizes the value of your construction dollars. Put the vision we bring to our solutions to work for you.

Process Pipe Rack Installation

A major ethanol producer was constructing two ethanol facilities in the Midwest and was ready to install the connecting process pipelines. Shortages of certified pipe fitters and welders were escalating construction costs and increasing the risk of production delays. We eliminated all field pipe fitting and minimized field welding and insulation time through our ability to design modular pipe racks and bridges with pre-installed pipe. These modular pipe racks and bridges were constructed in our shop controlled environment and with zero footprint on an already overly congested jobsite.

On the installation side, the customer's contractor was able to use 5 men (with cranes) to install up to 1000' of finished pipe and supporting steel every 6 hours. Our modular pipe systems were the key to success for this $7 million project.

A Modular Pipe Rack Lowers Your Cost

A modular approach lowers cost:

  • Modular designs compatible with shop production reduce field labor. Less field labor requirements reduce the risk of jobsite labor shortages and labor cost escalation.
  • System designs based upon thoughtful comparison of constructability issues against cost constraints. For example: comparison of foundation requirements against truss size to achieve the most economical cost.
  • Most or all pipe fitting is completed in a controlled shop environment lowering overall cost.
  • Faster shop weld times versus field welding means lower cost per weld.
  • Coatings, heat trace, insulation and instrumentation when performed in a shop environment lowers cost
  • Minimizes risk that the project will not be completed on time.

A Modular Pipe Rack Improves Quality and Streamlines Installation

A modular approach reduces your construction footprint:

  • Fewer on-site welders, iron workers and laborers
    • More control over site labor
    • Less chance of on-site accidents
    • Minimal or no site welding by using flanged connections
  • Faster installation regardless if we install or owner installs
  • Less impact on production

Weld quality is typically superior in a shop environment than in a field environment

  • Shop quality control including inspection process is superior to field environment
  • Minimal exposure of construction process to weather.

Modular Loading Rack Piping in Our Shop

Our modular pipe systems are a perfect fit in today's market for above-ground multiple pipeline racks, trusses or bridges. We have the expertise in all the areas required to provide a turnkey solution - from design and fabrication to installation. Our modular pipe racks and bridges are better built, cost less and install more quickly.

The advantages of our modular systems make traditional construction methods obsolete.

Loading Rack Module Ready to Ship

Loading racks provide a wonderful opportunity to apply our modular pipe system capabilities. While the structural steel portion of loading racks is typically built in modules, we can offer a design which includes all pipe pre-installed and ready for tie-in. We can also offer insulation & heat trace pre-installed. The advantages of building loading racks in modular units with pipe pre-installed are:

Lowering Time and Cost of Installation with Pre-built Loading Rack and Pipe Rack Modules

A major gas producer needed to expand an existing railcar loading yard with a 600' long, 20+ position railcar load rack including connecting pipe and a 180' walkway. Project criteria included: x-ray quality welding, fast delivery, minimum disruption of loading operations, safety and environmental compliance and competitive cost. We designed the foundations, loading rack and walkway with pre-installed pipe. We fabricated the pipe, walkways, supports, ladders, stairs, safety bridge gangways and handrails in our shop. Our installation crew required only 4 men working three weeks to finish the project.

All project goals were met.